I just arrived to beautiful, amazing and wild country of Thailand; one of my favorite places on our planet. There are so much freedom and independens. It gives you unbelievable feeling… The wether is perfect, ocean is warm, everything is so nice and comforable. I am here to do more photos and videos with the best productions for Europian TV chaneles as a super hero in the middle of Indian Ocean on one of the abendoned islands. I will be back in Las Vegas on June 11th and will be available to work on June 12th starting anytime after 8pm. If you’d like to book me after June 11th, please feel free to email me at russiancandyman@gmail.com. I look forward to having lots of fun here in Thailand and to sharing my experiens later when I’ll be back in the US. You will see new pics and videos I am working on right now. I can’t wait to share the beauty! I love it!!